ELZA – Elektromontážny závod Bratislava, a.s. is the holder of the valid certificates in the following areas:
- ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) »
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) »
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System »
- The Integrated Management System of the company ELZA – Elektromontážny závod Bratislava, a.s. (Principles of quality policy, environmental policy and OH & S)
In 2015 Národné informačné stredisko Slovenskej republiky, a.s. (NIS SR) evaluated ELZA Elektromontážny závod Bratislava, a.s. for the economic results in 2014 as Creditworthy Company. Based on the certification, the company has been awarded a Seal of Creditworthiness. The company ELZA was also assessed as a Reliable partner in the public procurement and won the Seal of Reliability.
The Company specialists, depending on their professional orientation, are obliged to attend specialised preparation and periodic examination in order to acquire the certificate of expert competence as well as other certificates, such as for the work at heights and above the unprotected deep areas.
Expert competence in electric technology:
Expert competence subject to the Article 19 paragraph d of the Decree of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic No. 508/2009 of the Legal Code,
Article 20 Instructed person
Article 21 Electrician
Article 22 Independent electrician
Article 23 Electrician for activities management of operation control
Article 24 Revision technician
Expert competence subject to the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No, 513/2009 of the Legal Code (on railways) and subject to the Regulation No. 205/2010 of the Legal Code of the Ministry of Transportation, Postal Services and Telecommunications of 29 April 2010
Article 23 Instructed persons
Article 24 Electrician
Article 25 Independent electrician
Article 26 Electrician for management of activities or for control of operation
Article 29 Revision technician
ELZA – Elektromontážny závod Bratislava, a.s. is the holder of valid authorizations for the activities related to electric equipment:
I. Authorization issued by the Technical Inspection subject to the Article 14 paragraph 1, lit. a) and the Article 15 paragraph 4 of the Act No. 124/2006 of the Legal Code on labour safety and health protection at work as changed and amended by later regulations for the following activities:
- S
- Specialized inspections and specialized tests of dedicated technical electric equipment;
- R
- Repairs of dedicated technical equipment within the following scope:
- RM
- Repairs and maintenance
- R
- Reconstruction
- A
- Assembly of the functional units on the location of the future operation
For the following scope:
- E1
- Technical electric equipment without any voltage limitations including lightning conductors
- A
- Objects involving no explosion risk
- B
- Objects involving explosion risk
II. Authorization awarded by the safety body subject to the Article 17 of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 513/2009 of the Legal Code dated 28 October 2009 on railroads as changed and amended, for implementation of the specified activities:
Assembly, repairs, reconstructions, revisions of railroad electric equipment:
- E1
- Electric railroad distribution equipment and electric railroad stations without any voltage limitations;
- E2
- Electric railroad networks and electric distribution up to 1000V AC inclusive and 1500V DC inclusive;
- E3
- Traction feeding and switchboards;
- E4
- Railroad traction lines;
- E4a
- Traction lines of tram and trolleybus lines, access rail to metro;
- E5
- Electric equipment fed from traction line;
- E9
- Standby power sources for railroad operation;
- E10
- Testing stations of railroad electric equipment;
- E11
- Equipment for protection against the effects of the atmospheric and static discharges;
- E12
- Protection equipment against the negative effects of the reverse traction power;
- E13
- Electric equipment in the areas involving risk of explosion, explosive gas atmosphere (external effect of BE3) including the protection against the effects of the atmospheric and static discharges (E13).
III. Authorization awarded by the Regional Mining Office in Bratislava subject to the Article 41 paragraph 1 lit. g) with the local validity subject to the Article 38 paragraph 1 lit. c) point 1 of the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 51/1988 of the Legal Code on mining activities, explosives and on state mining administration as amended:
Assembly, repairs, revisions and tests of dedicated electric equipment.